Faulty line detection by relative energy method for hybrid transmission lines 配网缆-线混合线路故障选线相对能量法
Analysis on operation of rapid arc suppression coil to accelerate selection and trip of the faulty line 快速消弧线圈加快速选线跳闸的运行分析
It is proposed to apply the non-power frequency transient components in the faulty line selection for the single-phase-to-earth fault of distribution network. 基于此提出一种应用非工频暂态分量的配电网故障选线方法,选线结果表明该方法应用于小电流单相接地故障选线准确可靠。
Neural Network Based Faulty Line Detection Method for Power System with Neutral Grounding via Arc Suppression Coil 基于神经网络的中性点经消弧线圈接地系统故障选线方法
Optimization of Faulty Line Selection System in Neutral Un-Effectual Grounded System Based on RTDS Simulation& Testing 基于RTDS仿真测试的配网单相接地故障选线系统优化
Artificial immune algorithm based faulty line detection method for indirectly grounding power system 基于人工免疫算法的小电流接地故障选线
The problem of the faulty line selection with the arc suppression coil ( ASC) has existed for a long time. 故障选线问题一直困扰着消弧线圈接地系统。
The average correlation coefficient is calculated to remove the errors caused by asynchronous sampling and the faulty line selection list is sorted according to the fault probability of line. 通过求取相关系数平均值,避免数据采集不同步引起的计算误差,得到按照发生线路故障可能性大小排列的故障选线序列。
Faulty line selection based on HHT detection for hybrid distribution network 配电网缆-线混合线路故障选线的HHT检测方法
Using wavelet packet to decompose transient zero sequence current and the coefficients represent the polarity of the current. Comparing the sign of the coefficients may find out the faulty line. 应用小波包对各线路的暂态零序电流进行分解,小波包系数的符号代表了相应频带零序电流的极性,通过比较SFB内小波包系数的符号,便可找出故障线路。
A synergetic theory based faulty line detection method for single-phase to ground fault occurred in small current neutral grounding system is proposed. 提出了一种基于协同学理论的小电流接地系统单相接地故障选线方法。
This article introduced "S injection method", the new principle for selection and position of faulty line, and designed single phase-to-ground line monitor and selection installment, which based on this principle, for the electrical power system that the neutral point does not grounding. 本文介绍了S注入法选线定位新原理,并依据此原理设计了中性点不接地电力系统单相漏电监测和选线装置。
Faulty line detection based on wavelet packet analysis for distribution network 基于小波包分析的配电网故障选线新方法
This method uses the wavelet transform that has multi-resolution analysis and good time-frequency local character to pick up fault transient information, so the faulty line selection is achieved. 该方法应用具有多分辨率分析和良好时频局部化特性的小波变换提取故障暂态信息,实现故障选线。
For this purpose, an approach is put forward to use rough set theory to conduct the data mining and knowledge discovery of fault sample set to determine the effective domain of faulty line detection methods. 为此,文章提出应用粗糙集理论对故障样本集进行数据挖掘和知识发现来确定选线方法的有效域。
The paper finished the software and hardware design of the faulty line selection equipment of the low current grounding system with two phase current transformer, and we have accomplished the development of the device. 论文完成了装设两相电流互感器的小电流接地系统故障选线装置的软件与硬件设计,并完成了装置的研制。
In SFB ( Selected Frequency Band), the polarity of transient zero-sequence current in faulty line is opposite to that in healthy ones. 在选定频带SFB(SelectedFrequencyBand)内,非故障线路零序电流极性和故障线路相反。
Research on faulty line detection device for distribution networks based on digital signal processor and wavelet package reconstruction algorithm 基于数字信号处理器和小波包重构算法的配电网接地选线装置的研究
Regarding the faulty line detection as the operation in a kinetic system of order-parameters and by means of researching the evolution of experimental sample in kinetic system the structure and state of the sample are judged, so the faulty line can be detected. 将选线过程视为序参量动力学系统的运行,通过研究实验样本在该系统中的演化判断其结构和最终状态,从而选出故障线路。
In order to repair faulty line interface boards in SPC switching system AXE-10, we developed a tester to locate the faults on boards. 我们研制的AXE-10程控交换机用户电路板的测试仪,用于对故障用户电路板的修理。
But as a result of the operation characteristic of the low current grounding system, the selection of faulty line when the single-phase fault happens in the system is a difficult problem that have not been solved during these years. 但由于小电流接地系统运行方式的特点,小电流接地系统发生单相接地时的故障选线,是多年来一直未能很好解决的一个难题。
This paper analyses the deficiencies and advantages of the faulty line detection method based on wavelet packet analysis in indirectly grounding power system and presents a novel faulty line detection method based on wavelet packet analysis. 分析了小电流接地系统中基于小波包分析的故障选线方法的优势和不足,提出了基于小波包分析的故障选线新方法。
The Methods for Seeking Faulty Line of Single-Phase Grounding in Power-Supply System of Open-pit Mines 露天矿山供电系统单相接地故障线路的查找
If single-phase to earth fault of distribution network occurs when the phase voltage is near zero, there are lots of transient decay induced current components contained in zero sequence current of faulty line. 当配电网单相接地故障发生在相电压过零点附近时,故障线路零序电流中含有大量的暂态感应电流直流分量。
Although this method could find the faulty line, but will have the non-faulty line to excise, to discover the breakdown to need the time long shortcoming. 这种方法虽然也能找到故障线路,但是有非故障线路会被切除、找出故障所需时间长的缺点。
The single-phase to ground fault will happen most frequently in distribution network. Selecting the faulty line as soon as possible will have the vital significance to ensure the systematic normal operation. 在配电网中,单相接地故障率非常高,尽快选出故障线路,对于保障系统的正常运行具有重要意义。
Design intelligent selection device both from integrated faulty line selection method and Hardware platform to solve the difficulty problem of faulty line selection in small current grounding network. 本文从选线算法和硬件两方面着手设计选线装置来解决小电流接地系统选线难这一问题。
Based on the size of the relationship of the transient zero-mode current signal energy, as well as the faulty line and non-fault line current traveling wave polarity differences. 基于暂态零模电流信号能量的大小关系,以及故障线路与非故障线路电流行波极性的差异。
Later, the difference between instant power of faulty line and that of healthy lines are studied. The instant power functions for fault line selection based on ST are constructed for proposing the other fault line selection method. 后续在研究健全馈线和故障馈线瞬时功率特征区别的基础上,构造了基于S变换的瞬时能量函数,提出了基于S变换瞬时能量函数法的故障选线方法。
Through the full use of the entire grid faulty line traveling wave information, it can mostly avoid the failure of the fault location and improve the reliability of traveling wave location system, ensure the accuracy of location. 通过充分地利用全网的故障行波信息,可以最大限度的避免线路故障测距的失败,进而提高全网行波测距系统的可靠性,保证测距精度。